The pavilion is also open to the guests.
Please be considerate of other guests and take out what
you take in. Guests should also clean thoroughly immediately
after each use. We have pot luck dinner every Saturday
night at 6:30 PM – bring a dish and enjoy dinner
with others guests and the Rustic Sky Staff.
The Pavilion has 2 kitchens, 4 refrigerators, 4 sinks
(2 deep & 2 doubles), 2 Oven/Cooktops, 2 Microwaves,
2 Charcoal Grills, 2 Smokers (1 Large Wood & 1 Medium
Electric), 4 Propane Burners and 1 Deep Fryer. The Kitchens
are fully equipped with pots, pans, trays and utensils.
The Pavilion seats 108.